
“Funny Girl” Images of Barbra- Yiddish song-Sholom Secunda. Видео

Загружено 21 окт. 2007 г.
Barbra Streisand images and variations
on a yiddish song: Yiddish Meidl.
A famous yiddish song, A yiddishe Meidele,
serves as background music for images of
Barbra Streisand. The song is presented
as a tango, honky tonk, klezmer and yiddish
swing. This well known yiddish song is played at weddings and jewish festivities.
Barbra has sung yiddish-like songs, like
"second hand rose" or "sam, you made the 
pants too long", but for some unknown reason
she has never sung in yiddish, a language
she knows well.

Yiddishe Meidele- it means yiddish girl or
jewish girl.

Funny Girl (film) 1968.- Directed by William
Wyler, stars Barbra Streisand and Omar Sharif.

Mein yiddishe meidele: Yiddish-Theatre,Yiddish
Alternative Titles: Mein yiddishe meidele, yiddish Meydaleh, A Jidise Meidele,
Yiddish Meidl, A Jidise Mejdele, 
Mayn Yiddishe Meydele.

Lyricist: Schorr, Anshel
Composer: Secunda, Sholom (Sholem,Shlomo)
This song can be found on: Romantic music of the Yiddish theatre – William Royal

1) Yiddish Meydaleh……Chana Grinboym 
(AKA Channa Grinboim)

2) Mein Yiddishe Meidele…The Hester Street

3) Jidise Mejdele…..Jacov Magid
(AKA Yokov Magid

4) Mayn Yiddishe Meydele….Klezmer Conser-
vatory Band

Sholom Secunda (1894 – 1974) was a Jewish composer, born in Ukraine and educated in the United States. He wrote the melody for the popular song "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" in 1932.

Along with Abraham Ellstein, Joseph Rumshinsky, and Alexander Olshanetsky, he was one of the "big four" composers of his era in New York City's Second Avenue Yiddish theatre scene.

Date of Birth
14 August 1893, Russia 

Date of Death
13 January 1974, New York, New York, USA

Shalom Secunda

Shalom Secunda (auch Sholom; * 14. August 1894 andere Quellen 1893 in Alexandira Neurussland (heute Olexandrija Ukraine); † 13. Januar 1974 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Komponist.

Secunda entstammt einem Deutsch-Jüdischem Elternhaus, in dem Deutsch und jiddisch gesprochen wurde. In Alexandria war der Junge als "Kleiner Kantor" bekannt. 1907 kam er mit seiner Familie nach New York und sang auf der Straße. Im Jahre 1914 trat er ins Institute of Musical Art (später in Juilliard School umbenannt) ein. Hier erhielt er eine klassische Musikausbildung und erhielt durch den schweizerischen Komponisten [[Ernest Bloch Privatstunden. Nebenbei arbeitete er am Jiddischen Theater.

Bekannt ist er für den Titel Bei mir bist du schön (1932).

While Secunda's first love was classical music, his livelihood came from his Yiddish theatre compositions. For the 1916-17 season, he was engaged as resident composer and conductor for Brooklyn's Lyric Theater. In 1932, Secunda wrote the music for M'ken Lebn nor m'lazt nit (I would if I could) starring Aaron Lebedev and Lucy Levine. Included in the score was the song "Bei Mir Bist Du Sheyn" which when sung by the Andrew Sisters a few years later became the most popular worldwide hit of 1939. 

From 1937 into the early 40's, Secunda was the composer for Maurice Schwartz's Yiddish Art Theatre writing music for The Brother's Ashkenazi which toured North America and Europe. In 1940, Secunda composed the score for the popular musical Esterke which included "Dona, Dona, Dona" a song that was to resurface 25 years later as an international hit recorded by Joan Baez and others.

November 2010.- Opening of the NATIONAL MUSEUM
Philadelphia, PA. "the "Only in America" Gallery Hall of Fame highlighting the accomplishments of 18 Jewish Americans, including guest Barbra Streisand."
Barbra donated the dress she wore in the film YENTL.

Барбра Стрейзанд 

72 элементов 1,253 сек.