

Публикуется с согласия действующих участников конфликта с французской стороны. Комментариев от Филиппа Киркорова и его адвоката мы не ждем.


Итак. Конфликт между Маруани, обвинившем Киркорова в плагиате, достиг своего апогея вчера, 29 ноября. Дидье был задержан в банке, куда пришел для подписания досудебного «мирного» договора. Ему предъявлены обвинения в шантаже и вымогательстве.
Дидье Маруани представлял в России адвокат Игорь Трунов и его коллега во Франции — Андрей Гульцев. Собственно, это — переписка Дидье и Андрея, выложенная последним в свободный (относительно) доступ:

«Игоря (Трунова) и Дидье (Маруани) отпустили. Что ж, надеюсь, что справедливость восторжествует и никакого шантажа наша доблестная полиция в их действиях не найдет. Так как его просто не было. Судите сами – ниже привожу нашу переписку (естественно, будучи юридическим советником Дидье, спросил у него разрешение). Переписка представлена немного сумбурно, так как за окном глубокая ночь и все устали.
Следующий актом марлезонского балета будет подача Игорем и Дидье заявления в полицию на «заведомо ложный донос» (как минимум) и возмещение ущерба, соответственно.
Для тех, кто не хочет долго читать (и переводить), вкратце скажу, что в письмах обсуждается совершенно легальный вопрос составления мирового соглашения. Киркоров же требует написать письма-расписки без ссылок на мировое соглашение и взять 1 миллион евро наличными (разве это не чистой воды провокация?). Дидье на это не идет. И наконец, Киркоров соглашается подписать соглашение. Стороны встречаются в банке. В момент, когда подъезжают вызванные заранее нотариусы, чтобы заверить соглашение, Киркоров бросает сумку с миллионом на стол и убегает (ничего так и не подписав). Вместо нотариусов в переговорную комнату входят полицейские. Конец очередного акта. Занавес.

Mon cher Andrei,
Voici un des 2 mails reçu. Le 2ème est le même mais envoyé sur une seconde adresse : didier@space.tm.fr
Merci de me dire dès que vous savez si cette personne travaille avec Kirkorov et qu’est ce que je dois faire??
Avec toute mon amitié.
Didier M

——— Message transféré ———
Sujet : Conference Kirkorov Russia
Date : Wed, 9 Nov 2016 18:06:07 +0300
De : Arturs Vaiders <vaiders.arturs@gmail.com>
Pour : info@space.tm.fr
Dear Didier.
I’m a director of Philip Kirkorov and I heard about your accusations regarding musical rights.
Philip would like to organize phone conference between you and him to fix all our misunderstanding. Thank you for your attention. Personal phone number of Philip is +74952208515
Vaiders Arturs.

Cher Andrei,
Voici la réponse de KIRKOROV lui même alors que c’est l’assistant de manager qui a écrit à son Directeur Arturs Vaiders. Ce n’est pas ce qui ÉTAIT prévu ni au telephone de MA part ni de la réponse qui m’avait été donnée par KIRKOROV: «Give me 2 days to consult my advisors».
Nous n’avons pas JE crois à Faire de proposition.
Dites moi JE fais renvoyer un mail dans ce sens, que NOUS attendons leur proposition?
Avec toute mon amitié.
Didier M

Le 18 novembre 2016 à 15:56:20, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
Hello Didier,
Sorry for the delay. Our lawyers ask to get your proposals to regulation to sign our agreement.
Can you send them to me?
Sincerely yours.

13 нояб. 2016 г., в 20:47, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
I am very happy that you asked me to talk together concerning our case.
As I told you at the end of our conversation, we will wait to receive and study your proposal and if we agree, to stop the Russian and American complaints.
I suppose to come and stay in Moscow from November 21st till 25th, and it will be good if we agreed this week to your proposal to organize a meeting and announce together that the case has been settled between 2 Gentlemen.
Have a nice evening.
Sincerely yours.
Didier Marouani

Dear Andrei, Dear Igor,
Here is the ridiculous answer of Kirkorov.
Let me know as soon as you decided the next step; I suppose to come to Moscow around November 28th till December 2nd.
Have a nice week end.
Didier Marouani

——— Message transféré ———
Date : Sat, 19 Nov 2016 11:53:27 +0300
De : Filipp Kirkorov mailto:filippsinger@gmail.com
Pour : Didier Marouani
Hello Didier,
My lawyers offer you to get 1 million of rubles for refuse of all courts deals. There is no of practice to get more in our courts.
Sincerely yours.

Dear Andrei, Dear Igor,
I just received this mail from Philipp KIRKOROV!!!
I think it is urgent to prepare a document and make it sign by tomorrow by Kirkorov.
We can keep the Press conference and Kirkorov will come with me to the Press conference and we will announce that we find a correct deal and we take out our complaint.
Please let me know.
Sincerely yours.
Didier Marouani

——— Message transféré ———
Date : Fri, 25 Nov 2016 12:59:11 +0300
De : Filipp Kirkorov <filippsinger@gmail.com>
Pour : Didier Marouani
Hello Didier,
Ok I’m ready to pay you 1 mil euro. But I want to ask you don’t make any press conference in Moscow. I can meet with you directly. I need to loan money anyway. But don’t make any press conferences please. It can makes damage for the reputation.

Thank you Igor,
I sent another mail to Philipp asking for quite the same!!!!! you are in CC in my mail to Philipp.
See you on Tuesday in Moscow but the agreement must be sign VERY dead line on Monday.
Musically yours.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 15:44, Yandex Mail a écrit :
Good evening, Didier! I sent a letter to Philip, because he does not take the phone. Sincerely, Igor
Добрый вечер, Уважаемый Филипп Бедросович.
Я, Трунов Игорь Леонидович, представляю интересы Дидье Маруану
в России в связи с его претензиями относительно защиты авторских прав
на произведения «SYMPHONIC SPACE DREAM» Д. Маруани и «Жестокая любовь».
Действительно, нами были подготовлены исковые требования.
Однако, доверитель – Дидье Маруани сообщил, что Вы достигли соглашения по мирному урегулированию возникшей правовой ситуации.
В связи с указанными обстоятельствами, следует уточнить некоторые детали.
Кто из юристов будет готовить проект мирового соглашения?
Каким способом Вы планировали бы его удостоверять?
Поскольку мировое соглашение подписывается на досудебной стадии, возможно удостоверение подписей сторон нотариусом.
Также необходимо обсудить и другие детали подписания и исполнения мирового соглашения.
Полагаю, что всеми формальностями будут заниматься Ваши юристы.
Для связи направляю Вам номер моего мобильного телефона +7 (985) …………
С Уважением, д.ю.н., профессор, Академик РАЕН,
Представитель Дидье Маруани в России – Игорь Трунов

Dear Andrei, dear Igor,
I have just talked on the phone to Philipp Kirkorov during 20 mn and everything has been agreed.
1) Philipp would like to receive personally (and not to his lawyer) 2 mails by mail in: filippsinger@gmail.com, 1 from Igor Trunov saying that when the agreement will be sign, Igor promises to withdraw all complaints against Kirkorov, Didier Marouani also.
2) That neither Igor Trunov, nor Didier Marouani will harm his reputation in future.
3) Send him also the agreement which will be signed between him, Igor and me (not his lawyer) at the same time without forgetting to add that:
Transactional agreement must stipulate that sum was poured as damages in repairing of a moral detriment
Agreement must stipulate the name of my society of Publishing and Production: BASTIEN MUSIC
Agreement must stipulate that in 1 year my name will appear into all the credits of the song as co/compser of the song » ZHESTOKAYA LYUBOV » as the name of my Publishing company BASTIEN MUSIC as co/Publisher of the song; 50 % rights will return therefore to Didier Marouani and Bastien Music. A new official registration of the song will be register at RAO and SACEM signed by all the Authors, Composers and Publishers.
Philipp Kirkorov asked me if he could pay in cash because on his bank accounts he does not have this sum.
I think that this agreement has to be signed tomorrow on Sunday.
Philipp agreed to be present at Press conference with me on Tuesday, November 30th at 15 h so that we will announce to medias that we found a gentlemen Agreement.
Sincerely yours.
Didier Marouani

Dear Philipp,
Igor Trunov was in a meeting, now he is preparing the letters and the agreement, he should send it to you very soon.
Sincerely yours.
Didier Marouani
Le 26/11/2016 à 11:24, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Sorry, Didier,
Can you call me back later when you will have some time?

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 22:14, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Ok Philipp, I will call you tomorrow 12 am Moscow time.
If you can send me your details now, it will be good.
Have a good evening.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 20:03, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Let’s talk tomorrow by 12 am (Moscow) I still have some details. Let’s finish all our questions during the conversation
25 нояб. 2016 г., в 21:45, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Yes Philipp we can talk tomorrow, let me know the time convenient for you?
I just sent you a mail, just please confirm me that everything is OK now, as I agree to your demand.
All the best.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 19:41, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Can we speak tomorrow?

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 21:03, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Of course we can speak even now to close everything but all I wrote you are exactly what you asked me.
Give me your number and I am free to talk to you now…if you are.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 18:58, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Can we speak by the phone tomorrow or sunday?

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 20:07, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
Yes I agree and I am also tired of all this, composing a new album, a Musical!!!!
You will not have any more damage for your reputation, I am a very honest person and I always fulfill my talking, nobody can make me change my mind.
1) Yes, You proposed me 1 Million Euros and I am ready to accept
I will not sue anybody anymore, You, Popkov, Sony in Russia, in the USA or in France
2) I want to be Co Composer of the song with Oleg Popkov (not in 2 years but as soon as the agreement will be sign) 50% for him and 50% for me on the music.
For me everything is clear and ready to be sign.
Just confirm me this and send me all contact for my lawyer as I want to sign this agreement before monday.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 17:57, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Dear Dider,
I just wanna be sure you understand because i’m in stress because of reputaition’s damage
Pleasy write:
You want to get 1 000 000 euro
After that Popkov will keep his rights as minimum for 1/2 years (our lawyers will decide how to do that)
You will no have any pretensions in courts to me etc (even in Russia or the U.S.)
You will say in media that You dont have any pretensions to us
If you agree Ill give you all contacts of my lawyers
Sorry for my tone but I’m really tired of this situation.

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 18:49, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
Thank you for your answer. Concerning all the past in the agreement it will be said that I will stop all the complains regarding Oleg Popkov, Philipp Kirkorov, Philipp Kirkorov productions, Sony etc….
For the Future I want to have my name as co/composer with Oleg Popkov on the song «Жестокая любовь», because I think it is fair to recover a part of the paternity of the song.
If it is Ok, please send me all the contact in order that my lawyer can discuss and send the agreement to your lawyer.
Sincerely yours.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 16:26, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Didie i understand but before I’ll give you all contacts I want to ask directly. It’s very important. We will pay you 1 000 000 euro. Popkov will keep his rights for the song «Жестокая любовь». And you will stop all complains regarding us? Right? And you will not require us compensation in future?

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 17:53, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
Me also I will be happy to close this conflict.
As I want to have an agreement sign tomorrow or Sunday, can you give me the contact of your lawyer (Direct phone and mail) in order for Oleg Trunov, my lawyer, to have a direct contact with him or if you prefer to give for my lawyer your direct contact in order to prepare and sign our agreement.
Concerning the Press conference, I think that for your image it is not good to said that it is a prank of you, but to be present with me and telling the Medias: That we found a Gentlemen agreement and everything and complaint are dismiss will be much better for you. This press conference will be only 5 mn and we will not answer to any question as the problem is solve.
Please give me as soon as possible the contact of your lawyer in order to prepare the agreement and sign it.
Let me know when we can see us or have diner in Moscow together (29th, 30th November or December 1st).
Maybe November 30th after the Press conference?
Sincerely yours.
Didier Marouani

Le 25/11/2016 à 15:04, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Didie i’m really happy that conflict will be finished. What about the topic? Popkov will keep his rights for his song. You will keep for yours. We will sign the agreement and you you will say that all that conflict was just a prank of me. And we will finish all misunderstanding.

JUST received from Kirkorov????
What should I answer???

Le 25 novembre 2016 à 15:04:17, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
Didie i’m really happy that conflict will be finished. What about the topic? Popkov will keep his rights for his song. You will keep for yours. We will sign the agreement and you you will say that all that conflict was just a prank of me. And we will finish all misunderstanding.

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 15:23, Didier Marouani написал(а):
I think that if you will sign the agreement these 2 next days, it can be good to announce to the Press conference that we found a Gentlemen agreement and not answer to other questions as our agreement will be confidential. I remember to you that You asked me on the phone to make a Press conference together if we agreed on your proposal……even wearing both of us a Pink Shirt!!!!!
Didier Marouani

Le 27 novembre 2016 à 17:08:15, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
Dear Didier,
I’m closed to nervous breakdown. I will not sign anything before Trunov send me his personal letter that he will not ever call me a thief or somebody in bad way. You promised.
I don’t want to have a deal with any 3 person as your banker. I said I’ll give you cash and that’s all. Trunov must write If Kirkorov will pay me those sum he promises never again call me a thief in media or somewhere else.

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 18:27, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
igor Trunov is still working on the agreement, you should receive it in 1 hour.
Everything is Ok as we dicided, but it take time to write it.
From my side, my friend banker in Moscow will receive us on Monday morning, you, Igor and me to deposit the sum into my account; before that of course the agreement should be sign.
I’ve got the address, I just need to know at what time it is convenient for you to come at the bank in the morning.
Keep in touch.
Sincerlely yours.
Didier Marouani

Le 27/11/2016 à 15:34, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Hello Didie
I still did not get a letter from Trunov. I have sent you my intention to pay but I still wait for his email. If you remember — I ask you to write a letter : I’ll pay 1 million and he will stop to spread bad comments about me in our media. He called me a thief. I think you understand me. It’s not good for my reputation. But I still did not get his email. Please let’s finish this question before our press conference in rose sweatshirts.

26 нояб. 2016 г., в 17:55, Didier Marouani написал(а):
I will stay at RITZ Carlton Philipp.

Le 26 novembre 2016 à 15:20:35, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
Where will you stay? Which hotel?

25 нояб. 2016 г., в 22:14, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Ok Philipp, I will call you tomorrow 12 am Moscow time.
If you can send me your details now, it will be good.
Have a good evening.
Didier Marouani

Dear Igor, Andrei,
Here is the last mail of Kirkorov,
I think we can send him this letter, without problem. Do I have to do one letter me or the same letter fsign by both of us?
Voici le dernier mail de Kirkorov.
Essayons d’en finir, je pense que l’on peut lui écrire cela sans problème; Est ce que je dois ecrire une lettre ou la même lettre signée par nous deux?

——— Message transféré ———
Sujet : Re: YOUR PROPOSAL 25/11/2016
Date : Sun, 27 Nov 2016 20:45:02 +0300
De : Filipp Kirkorov <filippsinger@gmail.com>
Pour : Didier Marouani
I need only this letter — without agreement . You will get 1 million euro and you will stop to criticize me in media for 1 year. I attached this letter. Let Trunov sign that and send me:
Я, Трунов Игорь Леонидович, юридический представитель и доверенное лицо Дидье Маруани в Российской Федерации, настоящим гарантирую, что по поручению моего доверителя Дидье Маруани, после получения финансового вознаграждения суммой 1 000 000 евро (один миллион евро) его адвокаты и юридические представители обязуются не причинять репутационный вред Филиппу Киркорову, связанный на предмет спора о принадлежности прав на музыкальное произведение «Жестокая любовь» — исполнитель Филипп Киркоров в течение одного года с момента получения суммы 1 000 000 евро (одного миллиона евро) и в будущем, а также не оскорблять Филиппа Киркорова через средства массовой информации.

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 19:39, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Ok, I just gave my acceptance to Igor to send you the agreement.
Didier Marouani
Le 27/11/2016 à 17:38, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
You can call me on my last number in 1 hour.

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 19:33, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
I just received the agreement from Igor Trunov in order to agree before they will send it to you.
Lawyers are working even the sunday to prepare this agareement.
May I call you? at which number?
Didier Marouani

Le 27/11/2016 à 17:08, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Dear Didier,
I’m closed to nervous breakdown. I will not sign anything before Trunov send me his personal letter that he will not ever call me a thief or somebody in bad way. You promised.
I don’t want to have a deal with any 3 person as your banker. I said I’ll give you cash and that’s all. Trunov must write If Kirkorov will pay me those sum he promises never again call me a thief in media or somewhere else.

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 18:27, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
igor Trunov is still working on the agreement, you should receive it in 1 hour.
Everything is Ok as we dicided, but it take time to write it.
From my side, my friend banker in Moscow will receive us on Monday morning, you, Igor and me to deposit the sum into my account; before that of course the agreement should be sign.
I’ve got the address, I just need to know at what time it is convenient for you to come at the bank in the morning.
Keep in touch.
Sincerlely yours.
Didier Marouani

Le 27/11/2016 à 15:34, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
Hello Didie
I still did not get a letter from Trunov. I have sent you my intention to pay but I still wait for his email. If you remember — I ask you to write a letter : I’ll pay 1 million and he will stop to spread bad comments about me in our media. He called me a thief. I think you understand me. It’s not good for my reputation. But I still did not get his email. Please let’s finish this question before our press conference in rose sweatshirts.

Dear Igor, Dear Andrei,
Her is the last mail of Kirkorov.
I hope it will be really the last.
Please Igor sign this letter if it is OK and send it to me, I will sign it, Scan and send it to Kirkorov tonight, as soon as possible.
All the best.

——— Message transféré ———
Sujet : Re: YOUR PROPOSAL 25/11/2016
Date : Sun, 27 Nov 2016 21:33:26 +0300
De : Filipp Kirkorov <filippsinger@gmail.com>
Pour : Didier Marouani
1. Sign of Trunov should be under his letter 2. Your sign — under yours. Without power of attorney. 3. the best time is Tuesday afternoon or closer to evening. I need to get last part of that sum. 4. I can come to your hotel with money

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 21:19, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
Following our phone conversation, I talked to Igor Trunov representative in Paris.
Igor will sign the letter for him and for me as he has the power to sign for me.
Everything is Ok, you should receive the letter sign is some minutes.
For the Tuesday meeting it is at Unibank And Unistream
Address : Verkhnaya Maslovka , 20, building 2
Let me know the time convenient for you please.
All the best.
Didier Marouani

Dear Igor and Andrei,
Can we please try to solve this???
Didier M

——— Message transféré ———
Date : Sun, 27 Nov 2016 22:30:59 +0300
De : Filipp Kirkorov <filippsinger@gmail.com>
Pour : Didier Marouani
It’s not true. Trunov writes he is a lawyer but he actually loose his status recently. So this paper doesn’t work. He is just representative. He didn’t promise to never call me thief or plagiator again. And he didn’t apologize for that.
And main thing — I’ll give you 1 million and don’t want to make any agreements. So he should delete part regarding that agreement. You can start all next steps after 1 year. My lawyer doesn’t now that we talk directly. But I really don’t want to check all those agreements. I just want to be calm now. So what do I need is just letters from you with my details. We will back to question of rights after 1 year.

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 21:53, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
Here is the letter prepared by Igor TRUNOR, he sent to me, I signed it also, Scanned and send it to you (in attached).
Ok for Tuesday afternoon, let’s said 4 o’clock directly at the bank.
Have a nice evening.
Didier Marouani

Je comprends bien Andrei,
Mais maintenant qu’Igor prenne contact directement par mail avec Kirkorov; on doit arriver à trouver une solution et très vite.
Je pense avoir le maximum pour finaliser l’accord.
Didier Marouani

Le 27/11/2016 à 21:17, Andrei Goultsev a écrit :
On ne peut pas signer les lettres sans préciser plein de choses. Et sans l’accord signé par Kirkorov… Mais, on va essayer de dénouer la situation.
En aucune cas on ne peut pas prendre l’argent contre un reçu (la situation actuelle, si on ne parle pas de l’accord dans notre lettre) – nous seront tout de suite accuser de chantage.
Andrei Goultsev

From: Didier Marouani
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2016 8:38 PM
To: Andrei Goultsev
Je viens de vous envoyer son dernier mail
Didier Marouani

Le 27/11/2016 à 20:36, Andrei Goultsev a écrit :
Cher Didier,
Demandez à Kirkorov signer notre accord de son coté, et l’envoyer par mail à vous. Si non, on est dans la situation, quand nous signons les garanties sans que la partie adverse signe ou paye quoi que se soit. Et cela n’est pas normal du tout !
Bien à vous,
Andrei Goultsev

From: Didier Marouani
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2016 7:53 PM
To: Filipp Kirkorov ; Yandex Mail ; AVOCAT RUSSE GOULTSEV ANDREI
Dear Philipp,
Here is the letter prepared by Igor TRUNOR, he sent to me, I signed it also, Scanned and send it to you (in attached).
Ok for Tuesday afternoon, let’s said 4 o’clock directly at the bank.
Have a nice evening.
Didier Marouani

28/11/2016 17:29
Cher Andrei , JE VIENS de me poser à Moscou ET comme JE LE pensais voici le message de Kirkorov
Le 28 novembre 2016 à 13:36:24, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
Didie are you ok???!! What the hell Trunov has spread details of our agreement in media before our meeting?? He is idiot??? If you want to have deals in court — ok, but please forget about 1 000 000 euro in that case. I’m shocked. I have no words. I’m crying…

28 нояб. 2016 г., в 11:37, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Ok PHILIPP, DO let’s try to solve all the problems today. Igor will call you or send a mail. Maybe it is better if he talks with you.
So we have the meeting at the bank Tuesday at 4.pm and everything must be agree before this in order to go to Press conference on November 30th at 3.pm.
Have a nice day.

Le 28 novembre 2016 à 09:32:46, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
Dear Didier,
Unfortunately I’ll be not in Moscow until Tuesday.

28 нояб. 2016 г., в 0:54, Didier Marouani написал(а):
More than anything, letters sign for you it is Ok we will sign it tomorrow, but with agreement sign also because my Banker will not accept the deposit of the money without agreement sign. It is a normal way to depose this kind of sum into an bank account if it is not together with an agreeement sign.
Please confirm me our meeting.
All the best.
Didier M

Le 27 novembre 2016 à 22:42:59, Didier Marouani a écrit:
I am tired also about all this.
Let’s meet tomorrow if you can at RITZ at 7pm with IGOR And we will solve all this forever!!!
Let’s see us and solve this Eyes to Eyes between Gentlemen before the Press conference. Please confirm me as soon as possible.
I sent a mail to IGOR too
Have a nice night.
Didier M

Le 27 novembre 2016 à 22:33:12, Didier Marouani a écrit:
I just wrote you at the same time time that you were writing to me!!!!
Let’s meet tommorow and solve all the case eyes into eyes between Gentlemen!!! Please confirm.

Le 27 novembre 2016 à 22:30:30, Filipp Kirkorov (filippsinger@gmail.com) a écrit:
I’m tired Didie. I need clear letter without link to agreement to keep it as proof. I agree with agreement of course. But let’s make 2 things 1 it’s letter without links to any agreements. I will keep it for me. 2 it’s agreement. We will sign it on Tuesday. You need agreement. I’m not interested but I will sign. I need a letter without any links on agreement

27 нояб. 2016 г., в 22:44, Didier Marouani написал(а):
Dear Philipp,
I am ready to sign this letter under my name as I told you.
Now up to this letter that was not part of the agreement; we must sign an agreement.
I will not start anything if we sign. In the agreement for example it is written that after 1 year as you proposed me, I will recover my part on the original song and a lot of things clear, true are written. It is a gentlemen agreement and I will follow it as I told you already
Didier Marouani

Le 27/11/2016 à 20:30, Filipp Kirkorov a écrit :
It’s not true. Trunov writes he is a lawyer but he actually loose his status recently. So this paper doesn’t work. He is just representative. He didn’t promise to never call me thief or plagiator again. And he didn’t apologize for that. And main thing — I’ll give you 1 million and don’t want to make any agreements. So he should delete part regarding that agreement. You can start all next steps after 1 year. My lawyer doesn’t now that we talk directly. But I really don’t want to check all those agreements. I just want to be calm now. So what do I need is just letters from you with my details. We will back to question of rights after 1 year.

(по утверждению автора поста, последнее письмо было отправлено в момент, когда Дидье направлялся на самолете в Москву)
Cher Didier,
J’ai relu les e-mails — il ne veut rien payer du tout. Tout doucement (et sûrement conseiller par son avocat) il nous amène a commette un crime : il veut récupérer «les lettres de garanties» sans références à l’accord, donner l’argent en liquide sans présence d’une troisième personne (il n’a pas voulu du banquier, il ne va pas vouloir du notaire non plus). Désolé pour la désillusion, mais c’est la réalité. En aucun cas ne le rencontrer pas dans le cadre privé. Soit dans la banque et obligatoirement en présence du notaire, soit devant les caméras à la conférence de presse.
Bien à vous,
Andrei Goultsev
Envoyé de mon iPhone

Материал из журнала "5Республика": Срочно в номер! Переписка Дидье Маруани с Филиппом Киркоровым — 5 Республика | Журнал о Франции http://5respublika.com/flash-news/marouani-vs-kirkorov.html#ixzz4TlEvJJML 
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